By Jiyong Yang, Weike Wang, Yan Liu, Haifeng Du, Wei Ning, Guolin Zheng, Chiming Jin, Yuyan Han, Ning Wang, Zhaorong Yang, Mingliang Tian and Yuheng Zhang

A set of three-dimensional charge-density-wave (3D CDW) VSe2 nano-flakes with different thicknesses were obtained by the scotch tape-based micro-mechanical exfoliation method. Resistivity measurements showed that the 3D CDW transition temperature Tp decreases systematically from 105 K in bulk to 81.8 K in the 11.6 nm thick flake. The Hall resistivity ρxy of all the flakes …read more

Via: Applied Physics Letters

2016-10-15T13:01:06+00:00August 12th, 2014|Categories: Publications|Tags: |

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