2D Research

Inducing 3-component fermions in centrosymmetric system by breaking TRS. (arXiv:1709.07763v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])

Recent researches show that by breaking inversion symmetry Dirac fermions can split into new fermions with 3-component. In this article, we demonstrate that Dirac fermions can also split into 3-component fermions with time reversal symmetry (TRS) breaking while inversion symmetry is preserved. Firstly, we conduct a symmetry analysis with the commutation relations among all symmetry operators of a Dirac semimetal and find out the symmetry conditions of Dirac fermions splitting into 3-component fermions. With the symmetry conditions, we derive the $kcdot P$ effective Hamiltonian of TRS breaking and compare it with the Hamiltonian of inversion symmetry breaking. We find that they are different in $Gamma$ point eigenenergies. This can be considered as consequence of Kramers degeneracy breaking which is a clear signature of TRS breaking. Moreover, with the $kcdot P$ effective Hamiltonian of the system we show that TRS-breaking-induced 3-component fermions can split into Weyl fermions while a small magnetic field is applied. At the end, we show our first principles calculation results are consistent with the symmetry analysis and the $kcdot P$ predictions. Our work clarifies the similarities and the differences between TRS-breaking-induced 3-component fermions and inversion-symmetry-breaking-induced 3-component fermions and extends the scope of 3-component fermion behaviors.

Published in: "arXiv Material Science".

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