2D Research

Near‐Infrared Annihilation of Conductive Filaments in Quasiplane MoSe2/Bi2Se3 Nanosheets for Mimicking Heterosynaptic Plasticity

Near‐infrared (NIR) irradiation‐modulated heterosynaptic plasticity is experimentally demonstrated based on a resistive random access memory device fabricated with MoSe2/Bi2Se3 heterostructured nanosheet. Modulating heterosynaptic plasticity between pre‐ and postneurons by another modulatory interneuron ensures the computing system to display more complicated functions. NIR annihilation effect in MoSe2/Bi2Se3 nanosheets may open a path toward optical modulated in‐memory computing and artificial retinal prostheses. Abstract It is desirable to imitate synaptic functionality to break through the memory wall in traditional von Neumann architecture. Modulating heterosynaptic plasticity between pre‐ and postneurons by another modulatory interneuron ensures the computing system to display more complicated functions. Optoelectronic devices facilitate the inspiration for high‐performance artificial heterosynaptic systems. Nevertheless, the utilization of near‐infrared (NIR) irradiation to act as a modulatory terminal for heterosynaptic plasticity emulation has not yet been realized. Here, an NIR resistive random access memory (RRAM) is reported, based on quasiplane MoSe2/Bi2Se3 heterostructure in which the anomalous NIR threshold switching and NIR reset operation are realized. Furthermore, it is shown that such an NIR irradiation can be employed as a modulatory terminal to emulate heterosynaptic plasticity. The reconfigurable 2D image recognition is also demonstrated by an RRAM crossbar array. NIR annihilation effect in quasiplane MoSe2/Bi2Se3 nanosheets may open a path toward optical‐modulated in‐memory computing and artificial retinal prostheses.

Published in: "Small".

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