2D Research

Valley isospin of interface states in a graphene $pn$ junction in the quantum Hall regime. (arXiv:1902.07975v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])

In the presence of crossed electric and magnetic fields, a graphene ribbon has chiral states running along sample edges and along boundaries between $p$-doped and $n$-doped regions. We here consider the scattering of edge states into interface states, which takes place whereever the $pn$ interface crosses the sample boundary, as well as the reverse process. For a graphene ribbon with armchair boundaries, the evolution of edge states into interface states and {em vice versa} is governed by the conservation of valley isospin. Although valley isospin is not conserved in simplified models of a ribbon with zigzag boundaries, we find that arguments based on isospin conservation can be applied to a more realistic modeling of the graphene ribbon, which takes account of the lifting of electron-hole degeneracy. The valley isospin of interface states is an important factor determining the conductance of a graphene $pn$ junction in a quantizing magnetic field.

Published : "arXiv Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics".

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