2D Research

Dynamical optical conductivity for gapped $alpha-mathcal{T}_3$ materials with a curved “flat” band. (arXiv:2212.05303v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])

We have calculated the dynamical optical conductivity for $alpha-mathcal{T}_3$ materials in the presence of a finite bandgap in their energy bandstructure. This is a special type of energy dispersions because for all $alpha-mathcal{T}_3$ materials with a bandgap, except graphene and a dice lattice limits, the flat band receives a non-zero dispersion and assumes a curved shape. The infinite ${bf k}$-degeneracy of the flat energy band is also lifted. Such a low-energy bandstructure could be obtained if an $alpha-mathcal{T}_3$ material is irradiated off-resonant with circularly polarized light. We have calculated the optical conductivity for the zero and finite temperatures, as well as for the cases of a finite and nearly-zero doping. We have demonstrated that analytical expressions could be in principle obtained for all types of gapped $alpha-mathcal{T}_3$ materials and provided the closed-form analytical expressions for a gapped dice lattice. Our numerical results reveal some well-known signatures of the optical conductivity in $alpha-mathcal{T}_3$ and silicene with two non-equivalent bandgaps, as well as demonstrate some very specific features which have not been previously found in any existing Dirac materials.

Published in: "arXiv Material Science".

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