Author(s): Jian Feng Kong, Leonid Levitov, Dorri Halbertal, and Eli ZeldovNovel ways to manipulate electron-lattice cooling in solids are of wide interest for both fundamental and applied research. This article describes a mechanism of tunable electron-lattice cooling mediated by defects in a graphene lattice, representing resonant scatterers with energy levels close to the Dirac point. The defects produce a resonant enhancement of cooling, which is analogous to the well-known Purcell effect in optics. Namely, the emission rate of phonons is greatly enhanced when the electronic Fermi energy is tuned to match the defect resonance energy. The ability to control both the cooling rate through electronic gating and the spatial location of cooling through precise defect engineering opens a route to designing cooling pathways in nanodevices.[Phys. Rev. B 97, 245416] Published Tue Jun 19, 2018

Published in: "Physical Review B".