A second-order topological insulator (SOTI) in $d$ spatial dimensions features topologically protected gapless states at its $(d-2)$-dimensional boundary at the intersection of two crystal faces, but is gapped otherwise. As a novel topological state, it has been attracting great interest, but it remains a challenge to identify a realistic SOTI material in two dimensions (2D). Here, based on first-principles calculations and theoretical analysis, we reveal the already experimentally synthesized large gap semiconductor graphdiyne as the first realistic example of a 2D SOTI, with topologically protected 0D corner states. The role of crystalline symmetry, the robustness against symmetry-breaking, and the possible experimental characterization are discussed. Our results uncover a hidden topological character of graphdiyne and promote it as a concrete material platform for exploring the intriguing physics of higher-order topological phases.

Published in: "arXiv Material Science".