A caloritronic device setup is proposed that harnesses the intrinsic spin-valley locking of two-dimensional honeycomb lattices with graphene-like valleys, for instance, silicene and stanene. Combining first-principles and analytic calculations, we quantitatively show that when sheets of such materials are placed on a ferromagnetic substrate and held between two contacts at different temperatures, an interplay between the electron degrees-of-freedom of charge, spin, and valley arises. A manifestation of this interplay are finite charge, spin, and valley currents. Uniaxial strain that adjusts the buckling height in silicene-type of lattices, in conjunction with an applied electric field, is shown to further modulate the aforementioned currents. We link these calculations to a Seebeck-like thermopower generator and obtain expressions (and means to optimize them) for two spin-valley polarized performance metrics–the thermodynamic efficiency and thermoelectric figure of merit. A closing summary outlines possible enhancements to presented results through the inherent topological order and substrate-induced external Rashba spin-orbit coupling that exists in silicene-type materials.

Published in: "arXiv Material Science".