The optical properties of two-dimensional materials can be effectively tuned by strain induced from a deformable substrate. In the present work we combine first-principles calculations based on density functional theory and the effective Bethe-Salpeter equation with high-pressure optical measurements in order to thoroughly describe the effect of strain and dielectric environment onto the electronic band structure and optical properties of a few-layered transition-metal dichalcogenide. Our results show that WS2 remains fully adhered to the substrate at least up to a 0.6% in-plane compressive strain for a wide range of substrate materials. We provide a useful model to describe effect of strain on the optical properties on general strain conditions. Within this model, exceptionally large compressive uniaxial and biaxial in-plane gauge factors were obtained, which confirm transition metal dichalcogenides as very promising candidates for flexible functionalities. Finally, we discuss the pressure evolution of an optical transition closely-lying to the A exciton for bulk WS2 as well as the direct-to-indirect transition of the monolayer upon compression.

Published : "arXiv Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics".