Bandgap engineering and quantum confinement in semiconductor heterostructures provide the means to fine-tune material response to electromagnetic fields and light in a wide range of the spectrum. Nonetheless, forming semiconductor heterostructures on lattice-mismatched substrates has been a challenge for several decades, leading to restrictions for device integration and the lack of efficient devices in important wavelength bands. Here, we show that the van der Waals epitaxy of two-dimensional (2D) GaSe and InSe heterostructures occur on substrates with substantially different lattice parameters, namely silicon and sapphire. The GaSe/InSe heterostructures were applied in the growth of quantum wells and superlattices presenting photoluminescence and absorption related to interband transitions. Moreover, we demonstrate a self-powered photodetector based on this heterostructure on Si that works in the visible-NIR wavelength range. Fabricated at wafer-scale, these results pave the way for an easy integration of optoelectronics based on these layered 2D materials in current Si technology.

Published : "arXiv Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics".