Black phosphorus (BP) is a layered material with anisotropic properties. We study interfaces formed by a pentacene monolayer adsorbed on monolayer BP, a prototypical system for BP surface passivation. We place the pentacene monolayer along the zigzag and armchair directions of the BP substrate, respectively, to examine the anisotropy of the heterogeneous interfaces. We perform first-principles $GW$ plus Bethe-Salpeter equation ($GW$-BSE) calculations to determine the quasiparticle and optical properties. To quantitatively analyze the anisotropy of the optical properties, we develop a general computational scheme to decompose the interface excitons into different contributions. We find a distinct charge-transfer exciton formed when the monolayer pentacene is placed along the armchair direction, and discuss how the anisotropy of each component is modulated by the interface. Our results shine a light on the understanding of the BP surface passivation via molecular adsorption and provide a benchmark for future experimental and computational studies.

Published in: "arXiv Material Science".