Quantum squeezing is a fundamental resource for quantum science and technology. Here we examine temperature and anisotropy -induced squeezing of quantum fluctuations associated with two-mode magnon states in uniaxial antiferromagnetic materials. As a result of nonlinearity we find a conjugate magnon squeezing effect led by temperature and anisotropy for all two-mode energy eigenbasis states of the system. While temperature induces amplitude squeezing, anisotropy causes phase squeezing in magnon states. We show that the anisotropy gives rise to the larger squeeze factor compared to temperature. However, it is seen that temperature-induced squeezing is naturally related to the squeezed property of the two-mode magnon states. The analysis shows that after a sharp squeezing effect up to a finite value of anisotropy, increasing anisotropy beyond this value does not cause significant further squeezing. Nevertheless, increasing the temperature continuously causes compression. Despite the competition between temperature and anisotropy -induced squeezings, we show that an optimal finite value of anisotropy allows achieving high temperature and low energy stabilized magnon squeezing. We believe our results provide a clear and novel pathway toward the experimental detection of squeezing effects in quantum magnonics.

Published : "arXiv Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics".